For our kids and our community.

Safety & Security Improvements

  • Updating and increasing security cameras

  • Providing dedicated secured entrances to the District Office and the School Office

  • Adding sprinkler systems to major remodeled areas

  • Updating the fire alarm system

  • Adding an emergency generator

  • Improving egress paths with-in the building

  • Providing private entrances for District and School offices

Overdue Maintenance and Energy Savings

Addressing deferred maintenance needs.

Overdue Maintenance
& Energy Savings

  • Replacing HVAC and boilers serving the K-3rd and Middle School wings for improved indoor air quality and improved efficiency

  • Updates to roofing, windows, doors, site asphalt, landscaping, stormwater drainage

  • Updates to LED lighting, HVAC, and plumbing upgrades which will improve energy efficiencies and increase savings

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) restroom compliance


Making better use of our space.

Student Space Renovation

  • Expansion and improvement of:

    • cafeteria/kitchen

    • early education art area

    • staff spaces

    • flexible instruction areas for hands-on learning

    • access to technology

    • special education

    • restrooms serving the 4-5th Grade Wing

  • Dedicated Large Group Instruction (LGI) space

  • Remodeling existing main commons and District office area to allow for:

    • breakout/small group rooms and flexible instruction areas

    • improved collaboration and project-based learning areas for the entire school

  • New flexible furniture, fixtures & equipment

Parking, Traffic and Outdoor safety

Welcoming a safer environment.

Parking, Traffic & Outdoor Safety

  • Expanding the School’s north parking lot

  • Extending parent drop-off/pick-up

  • Increasing the number of parking spaces

  • Dedicated bus drop-off/pick-up on south lot

  • Separation of bus and parent traffic

  • Expanding the hard surface for recess and gym class use

  • Adding an outdoor classroom area